Week 13 Story: The Playful Puppy

The playful puppy

It's time for a new day with the playful puppy

Who wakes up cuddled up with his parents after a good night's rest, it's time to start a new day with the playful puppy

There's truly no better way to start the day than when he wakes up cuddled beside his parents after a good night's rest, then it's time for a new day with the playful puppy

The shiny new red bouncy ball flies around the house, making for no better way to start the day after waking up cuddled beside his parents after a good night's rest, the new day begins with the playful puppy

You can't forget about the scrumptious treats that they got stocked up on when they got he shiny new red bouncy ball that flies around the house, making for the best way to start the day after waking up cuddled beside his parents after a good night's rest, the new day begins with the playful puppy

Trips to the store are always the best, filled with attention and all of the scrumptious treats, even the shiny new red bouncy ball that flies around the house, but makes for the best start to the day after waking up next to his parents after a good night's rest, the day begins with the playful puppy

After the wonderful, fun-filled day, The trips to the store that were full of getting all of the attention, Where also getting stocked up on the best treats, And getting the shiny new red bouncy ball that is adored, Even though mom gets annoyed with it bouncing around the house, It's truly the best way to start the day, After waking up after cuddled up with parents all night, It's time for a new day, With the playful puppy

Photo of a golden retriever puppy
(Taken by Bill Stephan on Unsplash)

Author's Note: This story was based off of the "Accumulative Stories" story in the British/Celtic Unit. The story was called "This is the House that Jack Built" and talked about the journey that took place with animals and humans in or around the house. For my accumulative story, I chose to write about a puppy and a little journey through his day. It starts off with him waking up, the ventures to the pet store, and ending the night after a fun-filled day. I made the story my own by focusing on a puppy and building the story around that as the main character. I hope you enjoy!


  1. Hello Sara,
    What a fun story from the puppies point of view! It is always nice to see stories about animals through their eyes. I could picture the puppy waking up next to it's humans, then getting to eat, play and go on an adventure to the store for snacks and belly scratches. I had a blast reading this! Good job!

  2. Sara, this is so cute! I love dogs and I love how you were able to personify these puppies in order to make the story relatable to us as readers. I totally would not get annoyed with the playful puppy who is just excited to be there! Love the vibes of the story and I think it was super cute and well done!


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