Week 8 Reading and Writing
Looking back on all of the reading and writing I've done for this semester, I can say with confidence that I'm super proud of all that I've done. I've tremendously grown as a creative writer by challenging myself to write different types of stories and create stories from perspectives I never have written in before. I'm SO happy with how my blog and my storybook have turned out! I think they're very "me," and someone even commented that they can tell I'm an enneagram 3 by how my blog is structured, while someone else said it was very aesthetically pleasing – two of the best compliments!
My favorite part of this semester so far has been creating my storybook. When going through the research process and narrowing down a topic, I was actually very skeptical to create a storybook instead of doing a portfolio. Up to that point, I really had enjoyed the stories I had created from the storytellings and honestly did not want to sit down every week and crank out a brand new creative story. But now, I'm so glad that I did!
It's now pretty impossible for me to write a story that's not creative or from a first person perspective. I've had to do some generic, boring writings for my other classes, but they don't fuel my creativity or spark any interest quite like how this class has done for me. It's the creative outlet that I feel I've been missing for all my previous years of college!
Going forward in this class, I'm looking forward to continuing to challenge myself in the storytellings and in my storybook. I've never liked reading before this class, but now I look forward every week to reading stories and then making my own creative tale. I have everything I need to succeed in this class, and I'm so ready for the rest if this semester!
An inspirational quote relating to the Growth Mindset
(Photo by Hello I'm Nick on Unsplash)
I chose this image as my favorite from this semester because I love the quote! It came from the lesson on Growth Mindset, which was super eye-opening to me because I had not heard of the concept before until then.
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