Week 8 Progress

Looking back, I'm extremely happy with the progress I have made in this class. The first story I wrote compared to my most recent story and my storybook shows a complete different style of writing and approach I took to this class. At first, while I am a very experienced writer, my writing seemed to be very boring and kind of bland, just me retelling the story but where I came up with a beginning and ending based off of the story itself. Since then and after reading other incredible stories from everyone in class, I really challenged myself to write in ways that I never had before by taking the plot of the story and making it something unique instead of just a retelling.  

The thing I am most proud of has to be my storybook. I'm only one story in but it's probably one of the best pieces of writing I've ever done. Not even two years ago I would have never voluntarily wrote a creative piece of writing – I only liked journalism-style writing where I would write straight facts. I used to absolutely hate any writing that involved me being creative or having to come up with things on my own. Today it's the complete opposite! Creative writing has my heart and I couldn't love it any more. The storybook is also my favorite piece of homework do work on each week!

I think the schedule I have for this class work well with my overall life schedule. I usually sit down on Tuesdays and try to crank out the reading notes and storytelling or story lab and then come back on Thursday to do the storybook, feedback and comments. And yes, I haven't done any extra credit... it might come back to haunt me but I just haven't needed to do it yet.

The only thing I think I would want to change would be me taking a stab at doing extra credit and doing more story lab options on the weeks they're available instead of doing a story every week. 

Photo of an inspirational quote
(Taken by Liam Nguyen on Unsplash)

This quote, while helping me in my overall life, helps me with the last push to the end of the semester by challenging me to remember what I'm really going for (that college degree!) and that I don't need to stress or overthink about the little things that happen along the way. I overthink way too much and let it kill my happiness, but I have NO reason to not be happy about this season of life!


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