Week 8 Comments and Feedback
1. Feedback In: I think the quality of comments I receive on my stories are good! It seems to be hard for some people to point out things I should edit/add on my stuff, but when there is a comment like that, I love it! While I revel in the comments where people say they loved the story or that I'm a good writer, the comments where people ask questions, make suggestions or challenge my writing are my favorite. I always love a good critique, and I admire people that have the guts and ready my story intently enough to point out things that could be changed or added to make the story even better!
2. Feedback Out: I like to think that I give the best comments back to people, but I know that that's not always the case. Sometimes I'm super tired and lack motivation when I go through to comment and I find myself leaving generic comments or not challenging people in their writing. Other times, however, I love diving into a story and giving detailed comments. Other than just reading a story blindly and leaving comments, I don't do much for a strategy for commenting. I'm definitely open to any suggestions!
3. Blog Comments: I LOVE reading through the comments that people leave on my stories! One of my all-time favorites so far was from my Yelp review Noah's Ark blog, where one guy said he was going to structure a future blog of his like how I did (obviously give me credit for it) – it was so cool to inspire creativity in someone else! My favorite so far from the storybook was that someone showed their mom my wrong Bible verse story and she loved it! My favorite blogs to read are the introductions because I love getting to know people, even if it's just as small as in through a blog post!
4. Looking Forward: The one thing I need to do is dive in fully motivated and with a mindset ready to read and give constructive feedback. I mentioned in my previous blog that I'm not the biggest reader, and that part of me shines when it comes to reading everyone's blogs. I will definitely be working on that as the rest of the semester approaches!
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