Time Strategies: Management Tools to Tackle Any Workload

 As if I haven't mentioned this already, I'm a sucker for a good check list and crossing everything off of it. Checklists are how I am most able to effectively manage my time and give myself attainable goals to achieve each day. Another time management strategy I use is just building a study plan, taking out time each day to do homework in an un-interrupted environment where I can fully thrive.

White calendar hanging on a wall
(Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash)

The first article I read about time management strategies was the article about how to build yourself a study plan that you'll want to follow. The key take aways I got from this article are that it is important to be honest in assessing your time in that you genuinely give yourself the right amount of time without rushing, and then actually sticking with the allotted times you have planned out. The biggest struggle for me is giving myself too much time to complete something. Once I realize that it won't take me as long to complete as I had originally scheduled, I let myself take longer breaks and begin to procrastinate, to the point where sometimes I do not even finish what I had planned because I get too tired and lose all motivation. 

Whatever science is behind checklists, I definitely am a firm believer in. This article talked about how satisfying it is to check things off of your to-do list, and how doing that makes us more productive and goal-oriented. Checklists have been a huge part of my success in staying on top of my crazy schedule since college. Not only do they help me get everything done, they also keep me on track with what I have done and what I still need to work on in a clear, easy-to-read manner. 

Fully online work has really shown me my struggles with getting motivated each day. The hardest thing for me to do each day is get out of bed, but once I'm there, I'm golden for the rest of the day. It's taken a lot in me to combat being lazy and get my work done, but setting out a schedule and keeping checklists have definitely been my saving grace in getting motivated and staying on top of it all. 


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