A Technology-Driven World for a Less-Than Tech-Savy Girl

MacBook on a Table
(Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash)

Yes, while I'm decent at running canvas and have been able to put everything needed together for this class, don't even get me started on how behind on technology I am. I have all the social media, know how to run the Adobe Creative Cloud, but when it comes to anything past that and a basic Google search, you can pretty much count me out.

In the last year, more than ever, I've been completely glued to my computer, whether for work or class or for entertainment. It's crazy to me that this is how college and life has become, so different so quickly in the past couple of months.

While I am not the most tech-savy, I am however quite familiar with the tools needed to be a fully-functioning student in this class. I very quickly picked up how to use blogger, thankfully, and really like the formatting. For my internship, I use WordPress, so I do have quite a bit of experience with that platform to use going forward. I also do have my own portfolio website through Weebly, which was honestly a little complicated to get going and figure out. 

(Shamelessly linking my portfolio if anyone wants to go check it out: Sara Haugland).


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